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Scraper Springs


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Testing for large Tier 1 scale copper-gold porphyry system


Huge alteration (~16 km2) footprint indicating large hydrothermal system centered on Bingham Canyon - age Eocene intrusions


Modeled base of Lithocap with preserved Porphyry copper centre at depth.

Drill ready Spring 2025

Comparable Alteration Footprint

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Expanded Geophysics

L3N IP Geophysics

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In Q4/24 the Company completed additional deep penetrating IP geophysical lines, gravity and magnetic inversion studies.

Large property scale magnetic low (hydrothermal alteration) and associate bullseye magnetic high.


10 km by 5 km north – south trending gravity high. Interpreted to be intrusive complex likely associated with causative intrusions responsible for the large hydrothermal alteration footprint at Scraper.


Expanded 3 line 7.2 km IP program identified several centres of high chargeability and corresponding conductive zones (low resistivity).

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